
Dr Cate Howell on FiveAA

Dr Cate Howell chats with Andrew Reimer about her new book ‘Listening, Learning, Caring & Counselling’. Click here to listen.

Letter to new Mums and Dads

I often write blogs full of information. After seeing a new Mum as a client, I was moved and inspired to write an open letter to all new…

The Importance of Getting a Good Nights Sleep:

Introduction: Sleep is part of our everyday life and functioning and it is often taken for granted — until it is a problem. Unfortunately, life stresses and emotional…

Understanding Health Anxiety

Anxiety comes in many shapes and forms, and surfaces at times when we think something bad is about to happen to us[1]. It is a survival instinct that…

Teenagers and Depression

Teenage depression isn’t just the occasional bad mood or emotional outburst – it’s a serious illness that can have an enormously negative impact on many aspects of a…


‘The heavens rejoice in motion’ (John Donne) Activity or occupation is central to life. Our daily routine, our work and leisure time involve activities. Activity provides us with…

Tips For Dealing with Procrastination

Tips for dealing with Procrastination Procrastination is the thief of time — Edward Young What is Procrastination? Procrastination, or putting things off, is a form of avoidant behaviour that…

Journaling – A Powerful Life Tool!

“We write in order to understand” – C. D. Lewis A journal, or diary, is a personal record of your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Keeping a journal is an ancient…

Christmas – 2015

Well, it has been quite a year, and now Christmas now close. I wonder how you are feeling about it? I heard a client say today, “I’ll be…

How to bring more positivity to your life!

Discussion of mental health often centres around the negative: disordered thinking, behaviour and feeling. While it’s important to deal with these issues, people are often left thinking “there must be more…

Contact Dr Cate

If you would like to speak with me, please contact me via phone, email or the website.

I look forward to talking with you about mental health and wellbeing education, coaching, speaking or writing.


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