Consulting, Coaching & Supervision

Dr Cate’s MHE&W also provides Consulting, Coaching & Supervision
Dr Cate consult with clients in a limited format now, as much or her work if focussed on teaching and writing. However, she does see clients for therapy (no other clinical work) in Adelaide, Goolwa and Renmark. She adopts an integrative approach, providing information, working with lifestyle, and utilising a range of approaches (Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Narrative Therapy and psycho-dynamic work). Please contact her via the website of 0417867815 with any queries.
Many people can also benefit from coaching, including health professionals or those involved in business, organisations or the community. The aims of coaching range from helping the person to find their direction or purpose in life, to achieving particular goals. It often involves ways to improve mental health and wellbeing, and may be about having a sense of ‘living your best life’.
Coaching involves a number of one-hour sessions. It tends to feel like a good conversation with someone who is listening carefully and interested in assisting you. The conversation focuses on gaining some understanding about you and your life or work, as well as your values and needs. Then we can use some tried and tested ways to help you identify what your goals might be and help you take the steps to achieve those goals.
Dr Cate has authored a whole series of books and e-books. There is new online course on writing your non-fiction book, so please feel free to reach out for coaching in relation to achieving your dream of becoming a published author.
Equally, GPs and mental health professionals/counsellors often seek out clinical supervision sessions. Dr Cate provides supervision via Zoom sessions. Please be in touch for more information via or this website.

There may be some barriers to achieving what you want, so these are explored, along with setting some goals to help you achieve what you want. It is important to work with your strengths and resources, and to tap into practical tools that can assist you to achieve your goals. Coaching can mean you are accountable to someone, encouraging you to make some changes and move forward.
My coaching style is supportive and practical, and I also bring experience as a therapist to this work. Many of the different types of therapy (for example, Cognitive Behaviour therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) have been adapted to coaching. Incorporating these approaches gives depth to the coaching.
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